Personalization Utilities


Contains a collection of Functions and Smart Services under the Identity Management palette:

Smart Services:

  • Rename Custom Group:
    • Allows you to change the name to any group, even if it is a custom group
  • Create Custom Title:
    • Creates a custom title to be displayed in the Title dropdown when creating a user account
  • Rename Custom Title:
    • Allows the renaming of a custom title due to organizational changes or the discarding of a duplicate title
  • Deactivate Users:
    • Deactivate multiple users at the same time
  • Reactivate Users:
    • Reactivate multiple users at the same time
  • Create User With i18n:
    • Allows you to set the locale, the timezone and calendar preferences for the user to be created
      • Please note: DOES NOT Send Temporary Credentials Email
  • Import Users from CSV Smart Service
    • A template is included with this download

Key Features & Functionality

  • isUsernameAvailableForNewAccount()
    • Wrapper to call the isusernameavailable() method in the UserService API.
  • getDeactivatedUsersBy()
    • Allows you to search for deactivated users based on different fields, values for those fields and two operators (1:EQUALS and 2:CONTAINS)
  • getUsersBy()
    • Allows you to search for active users based on different fields, values for those fields and two operators (1:EQUALS and 2:CONTAINS)
  • userSearch()
    • Allows you to do a multi-field search. Syntax is "userSearch(Text[] property, Number[] operator, Text[] value)"
  • Hi Godson,

    Did find the solution? 

    We are still getting warning message after installing latest version, 3.8.0 of the plug-in and we have APPIAN 22.1

    "PersonalizationUtilities (PersonalizationUtilities) references deprecated Appian APIs
    [deprecated] com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.ServiceLocator.getUserProfileService("

    Any updates?


  • We just upgraded to version 22.3 and are now getting an error on the LDAP User Synch With Usernames Node, with the error An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.

    In the error log we see an error as well, here is a portion of the error:


    Is there any plan to upgrade the plugin to work with the most recent version?
  • Hi Godson,

    Did you get any workaround?

  • Hi All,

    We get the below message in the health check report with the latest version of the plugin 3.7.1 and we have APPIAN 21.3

    "PersonalizationUtilities (PersonalizationUtilities) references deprecated Appian APIs
    [deprecated] com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.ServiceLocator.getUserProfileService("

    Could you please let me know , what updates are required to get rid of the above message in the health check report?

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to search for users by date of creation? I'm planning to create a process that would run daily and insert newly created users to a database. 

  • v3.7.0 Release Notes
    • New and improved version of Import Users from CSV
    • All user profile fields available for create/update
    • Automatically reactivates deactivated users who are on the list
    • Outputs lists of users who have been created and updated
    • Allows to skip the first row (header) of CSV
    • NOTE: the node now uses 0-based index.
    • NOTE2: The old version of the node is now deprecated, you will need to pull in the new node from palette and reconfigure it.
  • v3.6.7
    • Removed and replaced deprecated APIs
  • This utility is not designed to reset passwords.

    You're experiencing the error because it's trying to create a new user with the same user name as an existing user.

  • Hello,

    we are developing a process to reset the user's password when the password is expired or forgotten.

    This is because the client's policy does not allows the default reset functionality by sending mail, in fact the client does not want allow this kind of email.

    We used then your smart service "Create User With i18n" in order to reset a password but  if we try to reset a password for an existing user, a message appears:

    The following fields have invalid characters [Username: J50344] *Name fields may only contain letters, numbers, whitespace, and
    the _ or - special characters and username can only contain letters, numbers, and the following special characters: @ . _ - .
    It must not match an existing username regardless of case.

    We tried then to disable the user and try again the process, but the result was the same.

    Could you please help to understand how to use this smart service to reset password ?

    Thank you in advance, best regards, looking forward to hear from you.

  • v3.6.6 Release Notes
    • Import Users from CSV smart service will now update existing user accounts in addition to creating new accounts.