Physical Asset Manager


As organizations grow their business, they are constantly challenged with finding new ways to streamline and improve internal processes. Tracking and managing a company’s physical assets are no exception and are becoming more and more important as companies are focusing on supporting their offices and staff while controlling costs. BIG’s Physical Asset Manager (PAM) application provides organizations with the visibility and control over their physical assets that are necessary to support all areas of the business. This flexible application can be tailored to an organization’s specific needs and acts the source of truth for both physical assets and intellectual property.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Create, maintain, and align records for a holistic view of all company assets and assignments
  • Track warranty information and automatically trigger notifications of warranties that are expiring
  • Enables Appian’s native mobile features to capture and attach photos of assets as well as associated receipts, invoices, and warranty information
  • Utilizes Google Maps plugin to reference office locations
  • Add, remove and edit office locations, rooms, and employees
  • Capture assignment history for a specific asset
  • Reporting dashboard that summarizes all assets by age (total count and percentage based on applied filters)
  • Export data to Excel capabilities to enable further reporting needs 