Contains smart services to allow processes to manage other processes, manage node activity, upgrade process version and update locales.
Example use cases:
Key Features & Functionality
Smart Services included:
All the Smart Services must run in a context with Administrator rights and return a result code indicating whether or not the operation was successful.
Hi All,
I tried using Start all Nodes and Restart all nodes smart service to start a specific node(which is already completed) in one process model, but these smart services not triggering the node. Any reason
The smart service "Find Archived Processes by Date & PM UUID v2" isn't working. It is always returning empty result for the given process UUID with correct archive date.Any idea when will it get fixed?
For future reference: in this case, "INVALID_STATE" originated from trying to update the version of a completed process instance. Once I restarted it (for example, restarting an arbitrary task within the completed instance), the version update worked fine for that instance.
I sorta wish we didn't have to do that, though, because in this case I need to update some completed instances then restart them on an added path.
hey Ben - if there's any sort of update here that'd be nice - i'm currently trying to use the Update Process Instance to New Version smart service for an emergency fix, but it's erroring out with a return code of simply, "INVALID_STATE", and of course I have no idea why that might be. Thanks!
I usually check 'Generate Documentation' first - it shows the node UUID pretty clearly there, for any node in a process model.
where can we find the Node UUID for start all nodes plugin?
I haven't heard anything back. Most of the instances I try to un-archive work, but some just simply don't.
Hi Mike Schmitt ,We are also facing same issue. I am running the Unarchive Process V2 smart service using System Admin account. Still getting the same error.Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
The smart service "Find Archived Processes by Date & PM UUID v2" isn't working and is throwing error as For input string: "535009097.l"
Did you get any solution to this? I am also getting the same error. I am on 24.2