Process Model Details


Get the details of process models from a constant, ids, or UUIDs!

Expression Functions

  • getpmdetails(processModelUUIDOrId):
    • Returns process details as a cdt with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes
  • getpmlistdetailsbyid(ids):
    • Returns process details as a list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes
  • getpmlistdetailsbyuuid(uuids):
    • Returns process details as a list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes
  • v1.1.0
    Refactored getpmdetails to be more efficient (10x quicker in our tests)

    Added two new functions: 

    getpmlistdetailsbyid(Long[] ids): Retrieves the attributes of the process models 
    @param List of Number (Integer) ids: array/list of process model ids. 
    @return List of ProcessDetails: list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes. 

    getpmlistdetailsbyuuid(String[] uuids): Retrieves the attributes of the process models 
    @param List of Text (String) ids: array/list of process model uuids. 
    @return List of ProcessDetails: list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes.

  • v1.1.0
    Refactored getpmdetails to be more efficient (10x quicker in our tests)

    Added two new functions: 

    getpmlistdetailsbyid(Long[] ids): Retrieves the attributes of the process models 
    @param List of Number (Integer) ids: array/list of process model ids. 
    @return List of ProcessDetails: list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes. 

    getpmlistdetailsbyuuid(String[] uuids): Retrieves the attributes of the process models 
    @param List of Text (String) ids: array/list of process model uuids. 
    @return List of ProcessDetails: list of cdts with name, description, id, UUID, creator, modifiedBy, createdOn, modifiedOn attributes.

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