Regular Expression Functions


This Plug-in exposes Java Regular Expression string manipulation capabilities as Appian Functions. Very useful for validation rules and data manipulation on interactive SAIL forms.  

Key Features & Functionality

Datatypes provided:

  • RegexMatch - has a string field representing the string found, a starting index for the string in the haystack and an ending index for the string in the haystack

Regex Flags supported:

  • i - case insensitive
  • g - find all matches
  • m - multiline search
  • s - treats the entire string as a single line
  • u - unicode aware search
  • x - ignores comments starting with '#' and white spaces
  • d - enables unix line mode

Functions provided:

  • regexSearch - Searches for the selected pattern with the specified regex options and returns a list of RegexMatch Datatypes, accepts all regex flags.
  • regexArraySearchIndexOfFirstMatch - Searches an array for a match and returns the first index of match found
  • regexMatch - Indicates whether the regular expression finds a match in the input string, accepts all regex flags.
  • regexInsertMatchMarkers - Finds the match or matches and surrounds them with starting and ending markers, accepts all regex flags.
  • regexFirstMatch - Returns the first match of the regular expression within the input string, accepts all regex flags except 'g'.
  • regexAllMatches - Returns all matches of the regular expression within the input string, accepts all regex flags.
  • regexReplaceAll - Replaces all matches of the regular expression within the input string
Parents Comment Children
  • Hi ,

    The new version's been listed. The typo in regexMatch has been fixed, and the regexFlags is optional and default to the values used behind the scenes in version 1.0, so you should be able to use those functions again without changes.