Advanced Rich Text Editor (Vuram)


The Rich Text Editor Component can be used on Appian interfaces where you want to show the rich text information in readable format to the end user. We can use the component to show it as an email subject typing interface.

With this component you can add images, customize tables etc. This also has a functionality called placeholders using which you can use the same information in multiple items in the editor without retyping.
Additionally it allows uploading of images which get stored in the specified Appian folder (requires separate install of the Rich Text Editor Connected System Plug-in).


  1. It is recommended to use one ARTE Component in a Page/Interface.
  2. We do not encourage to use Short as height in the component.

Key Features & Functionality


  • Label : Text to display as the field label.
  • Label Position: Determines where the label appears. Valid values: “ABOVE” (default), “ADJACENT”, “JUSTIFIED”, “COLLAPSED”.
  • Height: Determines the layout height. Valid values: “SHORT”, “MEDIUM”, “TALL”, “AUTO” (default).
  • MaxSize: Maximum size of the rich text data. Default:10000
  • Placeholder : Placeholder text to display in the component wherever you want.
  • richTextValue: Rich text to display in the field.
  • richTextSaveInto: One or more variables that are updated with the richText value when the user changes it. Use a!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable
  • IsReadOnly: Determines if the field should display as editable or not. Valid Values : True or False
  • allowImageUpload : Determines if image upload are allowed. Default: false.
  • imageStorageConnectedSystem: The instance of the connected system used to store images from the rich text editor. This is required if allowImageUpload is set to TRUE. You can download the Connected System from the Appian App Market.
  • Show Usage Bar: Provide false to hide the usage bar at the bottom of editor. Default true
  • Enable Fullpage Output: Enabling fullpage exposes <head>, <body> and various meta tags in richText output. Default true.
  • Enable Spell Checker: Provide true to enable the spell checker. Default false.
  • Uploaded Images Doc Ids SaveInto- Document Ids of all uploaded images will be saved into this rule variable.
  • Exported PDF Id - Returns the document ID of the exported PDF.
  • Enable Export Pdf- Provide false to disable the 'Export as PDF' button. Default: True
  • HI ,

    We are looking into the issue. The current conversion library is not supporting the Arabic character. We are looking for an alternative library to support the Arabic font.


  • Hi Team,

    Can you  also, please help me to understand the below identifies after doc in the URL. Can we get the document using any function by using the below highlighted identifier.

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>Hi Team,</p> <p>Please find below document.</p> <p></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p></p> </body> </html>


  • Hi Team,

    In one of our case management application planning to utilize the richtexteditor() plugin to provide better user experience while different department collaborating .Also recently integrated with internal ECM to store the documents. So in this case view(Record sub view tab) displaying the comments(Paragraph field) along with uploaded document as downloadable link. Whenever i checked the richtexteditor component generating for the inline images(Pasted in the component) as base64/binary OR referencing directly from Appian environment as link. But in my case once the form submitted with comments and inline images will upload into ECM through API call and deleted document from Appian KC. But while displaying in the Case sub dashboard(Record View) we need to display as it is what enter by user. Example PF below.

    In this case documents are resides in the ECM tool .So in this such scenario, is there any easy way to achieve without downloading the all case level comments documents into Appian?.


  • when I press "export as PDF" the result as second photo .

    how can I export as PDF with Arabic word ?

  • I can see a while ago that a new parameter has been added for "browser based spell check". That was part of version 1.1.0

    In particular I need to know what to do so that I get Greek spelling check inside Appian editors.

    What needs to be done at the browser level? (install a dictionary? install any browser plugin?) Can you please elaborate?

  • Release Notes - v1.2.1
    • Fixed a bug in Placeholder parameter
  • Release Notes - v1.2.0
    • 'enableExportPdf’ parameter is added to enable or disable the ‘Export PDF’ option
    • Placeholder parameter is updated to hold multiple values.
    • Formatting is maintained when we paste the content into the editor.
  • Hi,

    We found a bug in the rich text editor component: The "undo" button in the component does not appear to save the new rich text value into saveInto variable. While in the interface the most recent change does seem to be undone when the "undo" button is clicked, it does not save the new value into the variable we are saving to.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Input some text to the rich text editor component
    2. Click "Undo" arrow button
    3. The most recent change was undone
    4. However, when inspecting the variable that was saved to, it remained the same as before the "Undo" button is clicked (i.e. there is a discrepancy between what we see on the interface and the value of the variable we save to)


  • Hi

    We are using getContentService() method to store the uploaded document to the Appian. Since Connected System Java API doesn't have an API yet to store and retrieve the Appian documents, we are using the deprecated API from Appian Public Java APIs.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for providing this as a plugin and we try to use this for the use case to edit comments and highlight values.

    Observed that after 21.1,we receive a notification on health check as below,

    Advanced Rich Text Editor (com.vuram.advancedrichtexteditor.csp) references deprecated Appian APIs
    [deprecated] com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.ServiceLocator.getContentService(

    Could you please help me understand the error or any information will be much helpful