SFTP Smart Services


Contains multiple Smart Services for interacting with a remote file server via SFTP, FTP, or SCP.  Using these services, an Appian application can be configured to send and receive files, folders, and metadata in a process.  Features support for zlib compression.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included:

  • SFTP:
    • Remove Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Send File Over SFTP
    • Send File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Receive File Over SFTP
    • Receive File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Rename File Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Create Directory Over SFTP
    • Create Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
  • SCP:
    • Send File Over SCP
    • Receive File Over SCP
  • FTP:
    • Send File Over FTP
    • Receive File Over FTP
    • Receive Folder Over FTP
  • FTPS
    • Receive Folder Over FTPS
    • Send File Over FTPS (Basic Credentials)

All smart services in the package use Secure Credentials Store.

  • Hello!

    Yes, it worked by putting the IP directly instead of the server name, it does not resolve with the DNS name.


  • Hi, currently we are also facing the same issue. Were you able to resolve this? Any leads/updates would be much appreciated.



  • Hello, 

    Any idea why I would keep getting this error message? What exactly does it mean/

  • Hi  , if you would like to update the documentation, feel free to update the current version on the AppMarket Submission record or you can email the documentation to appmarket@appian.com

    Let me know if there are any issues with this.


    Hi Team, 

    We are using the plug in for a while which is working, and now it keep failing with the following error message while attempting to read files over SFTP.  there are NO changes made  to configs and it just stopped working all of the sudden, any help on this would be appreciated.

    ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.plugins.filetransfer.sftp.ReturnRemoteFolderContentsOverSFTP - com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: java.io.IOException: End of IO Stream Read



    Hi Team,

    We've resolved the issue which was reported by  a month ago.
    The issue was due to usePerUserCredentials param not being passed becuase usePerUserCredentials is defaulted to false(). And the error we received was also didn't highlight that missing params shold be added; would have been good to throw specific errorMsg.
    It would have been nice if these params are highlighted under documentation as required/optional. 

    SFTP Send File used to highlight it as required/optional under 1.7v when each param was input on SS: 

    Now with 3.0.3 it collectively takes input as one:

    And SFTP doc does not mention which fields are required/optional:

    If this documentation could be updated it would be really helpful.
    In addition, knowHostsFile and privateKeyFile params show as type of Number - Integer in 3rd screenshot however in 4th screenshot these params show dataType as document. Ideally should be doc as I've used privateKeyFile with 1.7 and I used to pass a doc encompassing key.

    If we can correct these, this will help the developers a great deal! Thanks much!


  • If you pass usePerUserCredentials: false() it should work and if using then userCreds then it should be true()
    For instance: 
    = 'type!{plugins.ps.appiancorp.com/.../}FT_Config'(
    serverHostName: "",
    serverPort: ,
    scsExternalSystemKey: "",
    usePerUserCredentials: false()

  • For instance: 
    = 'type!{plugins.ps.appiancorp.com/.../}FT_Config'(
    serverHostName: "",
    serverPort: ,
    scsExternalSystemKey: "",
    usePerUserCredentials: false()

  • Hi Alison, are there any other error messages when you test V3? Does the log say anything about "Error obtaining document to send path"?