Um Al Qura Calendar Conversion


Provides users with a set of functions to convert between Gregorian and Um Al Qura Islamic calendars:

  • appiandatetoumalquraconversionwithenglishname() - Converts Appian standard date object to Um Al Qura.  The returned format contains the month name in English
  • convertgregoriantoumalqurawitharabicmonth() = Converts Appian standard date object to Um Al Qura.  The returned format contains the month name in Arabic.
  • convertgregoriantoummalqura() - Converts standard date object to Um Al Qura date string.
  • convertummalquratogregorian() - Converts Um Al Qura date to a standard date object.
  • returnarabicislamicmonths() - Returns a list of Islamic months in Arabic.
  • returnenglishmonthsnames() Returns a list of Islamic months in English.