Vehicle Incentive Management


This application casts a wide net as it works on both the OEM side for incentives as well as the Dealer side. It focuses on a full end to end system where the OEM can create an incentive based on region, country, brand, etc. Specific vehicles are associated with an incentive and a Dealer can upload sales to the system, which automatically routes the sales to create an exception or to go straight to payment. Currently, companies are  employing a large number of workers to manually look at an incentive and match its values up against the criteria of the incentive it applies to.

When creating a new incentive, Vehicle Incentive Management (VIM) utilizes the AWS Machine Learning Predictive Analytics to determine an Incentive Success Prediction based off of past incentives statistics, cars sold, date range, and more. This allows for the user to view potential success and go back to modify incentive components in order to achieve a more optimal success percentage. In addition to Predictive scoring, the app also looks at other incentives and presents a correlation percentage and the ability to associate the new incentive with an older one.

On the other side, dealerships are able to easily see what incentives are available to them when attempting to sell a vehicle as well view the status of incentive payment for their sale. Both sides are also able to take advantage of in depth reporting in regards to sales per incentive, active exceptions, SLA reporting, and much more. Overall, not one but many use cases are effectively associated and solved together within the application.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Machine Learning Analytics to predict incentive program success and campaign effectiveness
  • Automated workflow approval of incentive programs
  • Routing of exceptions to the incentive associate team for decision
  • Incentive payments and charge-backs based on business rules validation
  • Vehicles aggregated by model, make, and year via Web API
  • Interface for dealer challenges
  • Incentive audit interface of eligible dealer sales
  • Dashboard reporting on incentive sales, SLA breakdown, and revenue burn down