Username changes


I want to modify the username in Appian. For instance: If I own an account with username "Melwyn" but i want to modify it to "melwyn".Is there any way to do so? We are not doing any LDAP integration but I need this changes to be done as my Apiian username must match with client kerberos. so any idea would be appreciated..



Melwyn J

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  • +2
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Melwyn,

    It is possible to update usernames, but you need to open a support case to get the appropriate script for your version. Once the script has been run you will also need to run update scripts against the database. The script can be resource intensive so it is recommended to run it off hours to make sure you aren't affecting end users in the environment. Additional details are available in a KB article here:

    As you mention kerberos, I am assuming you are on-premise with custom Sprint Security files. It is possible to configure kerberos authentication to ignore username case if your AD username and Appian username case don't consistently match. It requires customizing an authentication class so unless you will run into this issue with a lot of accounts it probably makes more sense to update the few Appian usernames.
  • +2
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi Melwyn,

    It is possible to update usernames, but you need to open a support case to get the appropriate script for your version. Once the script has been run you will also need to run update scripts against the database. The script can be resource intensive so it is recommended to run it off hours to make sure you aren't affecting end users in the environment. Additional details are available in a KB article here:

    As you mention kerberos, I am assuming you are on-premise with custom Sprint Security files. It is possible to configure kerberos authentication to ignore username case if your AD username and Appian username case don't consistently match. It requires customizing an authentication class so unless you will run into this issue with a lot of accounts it probably makes more sense to update the few Appian usernames.