Site and Navigation Menu

Hi Readers,

To one of my site, in site settings for this parameter i have kept as never "Show Tempo Link in Navigation Menu: Never"

To my Knowledge this means whether the site need to be visible in the list or not when   this button is pressed.

but there is a site which is visible in navigation menu even though when Show Tempo Link in Navigation Menu parameter is set to  Never would like to know the reason.

Let me know if any other parameters are reason for this

Thank You

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Parents Reply
  • I have an application named app1;
    which has a site named wallet.

    below are the site properties

    i have unpublished the application as well but still this wallet site is shown in 3*3 navigation menu 

    Would like to know why this is happening; if the application is published we can think that the group of users have view access on this application; but this application is unpublished and still its is showing in navigation menu

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