Please suggest me for the below. 1.     &nbs

Please suggest me for the below.

1.          Done all pre-checks (java, env constants, license, etc)
2.          Installed appian (all engines working fine.)
3.          Configured Jboss (Done all settings that connects between appian and jboss)
4.          Done with post-install configurations
5.          When started with jboss and appian, (boss started with our errors)

6.          When tried to access appian from explorer, some error was displayed with “runtime_ear” saying that it was not found.

7.          So started with building with ant script, configuration script given in 7.5 add-ons.

8.          Ant built was failed saying, it was searching jboss bin in configuration script bin. Not able to sort out that home setting in menu.xml

9.          When tried to access appian from explorer, displaying exception “shipb: exception”



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  • Let's do this:

    1. Stop JBoss
    2. Delete <JBOSS_HOME>\\standalone\\log\\*.log
    3. Start JBoss
    4. Wait for it to fail
    5. Attach server.log

    Once I look at that log I can ask for additional files to check.
  • Hi Eduardo,

    I stopped the appian engines, stopped jboss. Only started jboss. it have thrown few errors. PFA


  • You can't stop the engines and only start JBoss. For JBoss to work the engines need to be running. The steps from above didn't include a stop of the engines
  • I have fixed the error in ant build. This time ant build was successful. I have started the appian engines, checked that all are 'OKAY' Then tried to start jboss with standalone.bat, but surprisingly jboss didn't started at all (previously it used to get started with few errors)

    Please find the attached log from "D:\\Appian\\bin\\jboss-eap-6.2.0\\jboss-eap-6.2\\standalone\\log\\server.log"


  • This is the relevant error:

    11:56:23,539 ERROR [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 12) JBAS014613: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "ss.ear")]) - failure description: "JBAS014803: Duplicate resource [(\\"deployment\\" => \\"ss.ear\\")]"

    1. Review your standalone.xml and make sure there's no duplicate entry for the search server

    <deployment-scanner name="appian-search-server" path="${}" scan-interval="5000" auto-deploy-zipped="false" auto-deploy-exploded="false" auto-deploy-xml="false" deployment-timeout="1800"/>

    2. That you only have one D:/Appian/search-server directory

    3. And that you have a file called ss.ear.dodeploy under D:/Appian/search-server and one called suite.ear.dodeploy under D:/Appian/ear as indicated in the documentation
  • 1A. Reviewed standalone.xml. There no duplicate entries.
    2A. There is only one "search-server directory" at D:/Appian
    3A. At D:/Appian/search-server file name was "suite.ear.dodeployed" i renamed it to "suite.ear.dodeploy"

    Started engines, all are okay.
    Started Jboss with standalone.bat
    Now Jboss started with few errors.

    Please find server.log at "D:\\Appian\\bin\\jboss-eap-6.2.0\\jboss-eap-6.2\\standalone\\log"


  • When an error occurs you have to review the server.log from top to bottom until you find the first error. You can then look at the stack trace and review each of the "Caused by" clauses to find out the root cause.

    In this case the relevant one is:

    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: PBOX000016: Access denied: authentication failed

    which indicates that your password in the security domain of your data source is incorrect in standalone.xml. You can test this by using a plain text password just for testing in appian-ds.xml. Instead of using


    test with


    and restart JBoss