We are upgrading Appian from 7.2 to Appian 7.6 and we have received below error

We are upgrading Appian from 7.2 to Appian 7.6 and we have received below error very first moments.

<server .log starts ----------------------------------------->
16:42:31,523 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 73) 2014-08-26 16:42:31,523 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 73] ERROR com.appiancorp.common.config.ConfigObject - An error occurred while trying to initialize the config object com.appiancorp.type.config.plugin.PojoDatatypesConfig

16:42:31,523 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 73) com.appiancorp.type.config.pojo.PojoTypeImportException: Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.AnyLinkField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ApplicationHeaderLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.HeaderBodyLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.BarChart, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.BooleanField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Breadcrumbs, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ButtonLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.B...




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  • ...uttonWidget, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ExpressionEditorField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.CheckboxField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ColumnArrayLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ColumnChart, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ColumnChartSeries, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ColumnLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.CustomLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DateField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DatePickerField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DateTimeField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DateTimePickerField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.EditUserCard, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.EncryptedTextField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FunctionDocumentation, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FunctionDocumentationParameter, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DocumentDownloadLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DropdownField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DocumentImage, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.DynamicLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ExprDesignerAppLayout, class com.a...
  • ...ppiancorp.type.cdt.ExpressionInfoPanel, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FileUploadField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FloatingPointField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Form, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FormLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FormUi, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Grid, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridColumnAlignment, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridColumnConfiguration, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridColumnModel, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridImageColumn, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridLinkColumn, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridPageModel, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridRowConfiguration, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.GridTextColumn, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ImageField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ImageGalleryField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.IntegerField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Label, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.LegacyFormCompone...
  • ... nt, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.LineChart, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Link, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.LinkField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.LogoutLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.MaskedTextField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.MasterDetailLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.MenuLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.MilestoneField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.MultipleDropdownField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ObjectAction, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ParagraphField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.PeopleSuggestField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.PickerField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.PickerData, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.PieChart, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ProcessTaskLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.ProgressBarField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.RadioButtonField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.RecordLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.RecordNewsField, class com.appiancorp.record.domain.RecordType, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Ric...
  • ... hTextDisplayField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.RowLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.SafeImage, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.SafeLink, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.SelectionChoice, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.Scoreboard, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.SectionLayout, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.FunctionSuggestion, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.SelectableItemListField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.StackedBarChart, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.TextField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.TimeField, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.UiConfig, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.UserCard, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.UserProfile, class com.appiancorp.type.cdt.UserSummaryLayout]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the primary data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the primary data source for the following type ids: 1083 (APNX-1-4166-003)

    16:42:31,538 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread ...
  • ... Pool -- 73)           at com.appiancorp.type.config.pojo.PojoTypeImporter.createDatatypesFromXsdsZip(PojoTypeImporter.java:119)

    I have also attached server.log for the reference. I have performed 2 times upgrade but the attached errors are still coming.
  • The relevant error is:

    Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the primary data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the primary data source for the following type ids: 1083

    this indicates your primary data source doesn't have an entry in the DT_MODEL table with the external ID that maps (in Process Design) to the local ID 1083. It seems this is not the same DT_MODEL from 7.2 or that someone deleted rows from this table in the past. You need to find the right back-up of the primary DS and make sure you do not start the app server for the first time until all the engines have been migrated and your appian-ds.xml points to the right primary data source.
  • Thanks Ed , In this case we are upgrading existing Appian 7.2 and I can confirm that when I have stopped we were using appianprimary is database name on same server and after installation of Appian 76 we are pointing it to same database appianprimary which was used in Appian 7.2.
  • If that's the case you will need to work with Appian Support to address this issue.
  • Sure Ed, I will do that , I have seen another same kind of error for another environment which is upgraded from Appian 7.5 to 7.6 14:39:53,094 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 50) Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.type.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: Invalid Type: Type Error: Invalid Type Number (1961) (APNX-1-4047-000). I will attached above logs to the case.


  • The error you're seeing

    14:39:53,094 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 50) Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.type.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: Invalid Type: Type Error: Invalid Type Number (1961) (APNX-1-4047-000)

    can indicate two things:

    1. There was a race condition when propagating data types during the start-up of the migration after rebuilding analytics that is preventing this data type from being present on the required engines

    2. Or this environment wasn't fully migrated and you forgot to copy one or more engines from 7.5 to 7.6, most likely process design


    1. For scenario #1 simply stop JBoss and delete <JBOSS_HOME>\\standalone\\log\\*.log. Restart JBoss again to confirm enough time has passed by to finish propagating data types.

    2. For scenario #2 open all logs of type db_*.log and make sure the all show the 100% migrated message. I am thinking that db_PD is missing and you're running with the out of the box pd*.kdb instead of migrating it by mistake.

    Even though I think the issue may be with Process Design make sure to review each db_*.log and search for the 100% migrated message; the log will also show what ID of the *.kdb file it's using that should also give you a clue in whether you missed copying one or more engines to 7.6

    If you find out you forgot to copy one or more engines you will have to repeat the migration; copying the missing one now that the migration code ran is going to cause more trouble.