I was trying to configure Mail server setup following the link "

I was trying to configure Mail server setup following the link "forum.appian.com/.../Mail_Server_Setup.
The below given is the error that displayed in the app server after configuring the mail server. Any thoughts?

" ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-5) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.subunit."suite.ear"."email-handler.jar"."...



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  • Could you share the server.log from the most current restart so that I can review it?
  • It seems like there is typo/misconfiguration in the ejb-jar.xml file at [row,col]:[36,4] with one of the properties that you may have added.

    12:29:15,773 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-4) MSC000001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.subunit."suite.ear"."email-handler.jar".PARSE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit."suite.ear"."email-handler.jar".PARSE: JBAS018733: Failed to process phase PARSE of subdeployment "email-handler.jar" of deployment "suite.ear"
    Caused by: org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: JBAS014185: Exception while parsing ejb-jar.xml: /C:/appian/ear/suite.ear/email-handler.jar/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
    Caused by: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[36,4]
    Message: Unexpected element '{java.sun.com/.../javaee}activation-config-property-name' encountered

    Could you share it with me so that I can review it?
  • Hi Alok, Thanks a lot for pointing it out. there was a typo in the file ejb-jar.xml. Correcting that has started the App server, however I tried to send mail to the mailbox configured, but the process was not triggered. I have attached the new server log. Could you review it and help me to find out where I have went wrong? Thanks in advance.




  • Unfortunately, there isn't enough information in the server.log to troubleshoot this issue.

    Please do the following:
    1) Add the following property in the ejb-jar.xml so that addtiional debug logging is added for the Mail-Poller.


    2) Add the following properties to the appian_log4j.properties file under <APPIAN_HOME>\\ear\\suite.ear\\resources
    -> log4j.logger.com.appiancorp.messaging.MessagePublisherServiceImpl=DEBUG
    -> log4j.logger.com.appiancorp.mdb.EmailHandlerBean=DEBUG

    3) Disable Partial Fetch (for performance improvements)

    4) Reduce the interval of polling for the mail-server (From 300 seconds to 60 seconds) temporarily, so that the mailbox is polled every minute (for the sake of TESTING only)
    <!-- polling interval in milliseconds
                        the setting provided below is every 1 minute
                        consult your mail admin for acceptable frequecy -->

    This way, you dont have to wait 5 minutes for the mail-poller to poll your mailbox.

    5) Clear out the server.log and send me a new copy of the server.log so that I can review it.
  • Hi Alok, Apologies for the delay in response, I am facing issues with my local test server and is trying to fix it with IT team, mean while could you please let me know if we can configure smtp instead of pop3 or imap as the protocols. I saw in documentation that pop3 and imap is only supported
  • SMTP protocol is used for Sending Emails, whereas POP and IMAP protocols are used to Recieve Emails. As a result you cannot SMTP in the mail-poller configuration.


    Note that if you are using POP3 secure (port 995) or IMAP secure (port 993) the protocol needs to be set to either "pop3s" or "imaps".
  • Hi Alok,
    I followed the steps which you mentioned above. I can see from my log file that Appian is able to read my mails but in the end it below error

    "javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Error receiving message in EmailHandlerBean MDB"

    Attached: Server.log


  • Kindly ignore my last message its working fine after providing email routing details