I am trying to install Appian 7.9 on WAS. getting below error. Can some one help

I am trying to install Appian 7.9 on WAS. getting below error. Can some one help me to understand where is the missing piece?

om.appiancorp.kougar.services.KougarServiceInvocationHandler - Error getting credentials for Administrator
com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.exceptions.SafeRetryException: Unable to acquire a Read connection. Safe to retry.
at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.pooling.concurrent.Semaphore.acquireConnection(Semaphore.java:436)
at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.pooling.concurrent.ConcurrentPools.getReadConnection(ConcurrentPools.java:140)
at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.pooling.PoolManager.getReadConnection(PoolManager.java:313)
at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.KougarConnection.getConnection(KougarConnection.java:140)
at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.KougarConnection.call(KougarConnection.java:207)
at com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.M...



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  • This error indicates the application server cannot connect to the Appian engines. Things to check:

    1. That the application server can connect to the engine server based on its copy of appian-topology.xml.
    2. Make sure the ports from appian-topology.xml are open for the application server to communicate
    3. If deploying a security token (appian.sec) make sure the token matches on both servers. If there's a mismatch the APP_SERVER won't be able to communicate with the engines.
  • This error indicates the application server cannot connect to the Appian engines. Things to check:

    1. That the application server can connect to the engine server based on its copy of appian-topology.xml.
    2. Make sure the ports from appian-topology.xml are open for the application server to communicate
    3. If deploying a security token (appian.sec) make sure the token matches on both servers. If there's a mismatch the APP_SERVER won't be able to communicate with the engines.
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