User and User Group Map table

Is there any table gets created in primary data source for all users in system and user group role map. Or do we need to manually


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  • @ajinkyab I would suggest maintaining the group membership information in the tables that belongs to Business Data Stores. You might be already aware of the fact that interacting with Primary Data Store isn't a great idea. I believe you are working on an on-premise model but still I would suggest maintaining the User, Group and membership details in the common tables so that the same information can be also used by any functionality in the environment on need basis.
  • @ajinkyab I would suggest maintaining the group membership information in the tables that belongs to Business Data Stores. You might be already aware of the fact that interacting with Primary Data Store isn't a great idea. I believe you are working on an on-premise model but still I would suggest maintaining the User, Group and membership details in the common tables so that the same information can be also used by any functionality in the environment on need basis.
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