User and User Group Map table

Is there any table gets created in primary data source for all users in system and user group role map. Or do we need to manually


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  • @ajinkyab Would you please be able to expand further more on the requirement?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I want to implement security for .Net report which has link from Appian. So my current logic is in appian i check whether user is part of required group or not. if yes then i create a session for that user in database and call the report url with newly generatd session id. report has logic to check whethere requested report is valid or not for given session id.

    Currently i am checking user is part of group or not in appian process model. and my requrement to push this in database. for that i need tabel which contain all ther users of appian and there relevand group

    one possible option for this creating a schedular and pushing the user and group data to database from log file.

    But i am keen to know do we have existing table in primary database with all the users and there associated group
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I want to implement security for .Net report which has link from Appian. So my current logic is in appian i check whether user is part of required group or not. if yes then i create a session for that user in database and call the report url with newly generatd session id. report has logic to check whethere requested report is valid or not for given session id.

    Currently i am checking user is part of group or not in appian process model. and my requrement to push this in database. for that i need tabel which contain all ther users of appian and there relevand group

    one possible option for this creating a schedular and pushing the user and group data to database from log file.

    But i am keen to know do we have existing table in primary database with all the users and there associated group
  • @ajinkyab I would suggest maintaining the group membership information in the tables that belongs to Business Data Stores. You might be already aware of the fact that interacting with Primary Data Store isn't a great idea. I believe you are working on an on-premise model but still I would suggest maintaining the User, Group and membership details in the common tables so that the same information can be also used by any functionality in the environment on need basis.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @sikhi: As i just wanted to build only view on those table, I was preferring to use those table as its real time data. and reduces the burden of creating new data structure's for user group relation and integrating new data structure with the existing user management process models.

    But as i gone through the primary data source and i did not find such tables , I reckon i need create new tables in business data source and need to populate the information from the user logs.
  • @ajinkyab That was my first impression after going through the tables in primary db. There was a table for users as well as groups but I couldn't figure out any that maintains the membership details.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    thanks i will have look is there any best way to implement this requirement ,having less impact on existing process models .