Login Failed after Update Hotfix Package C Appian 16.3

Does anyone have problem on login to Appian after update Hotfix package C for Appian 16.3?
Before update all users are able to login to Appian, but after update the hotfix, all users are not able to login again.

- Appian v 16.3
- Jboss 6.4
- Windows
- Build info is right

Thanks before for the advises.


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  • Hi all, after researching and we find out the answer from rajasekharp is right. When we copy hotfix to APPIAN_HOME, the web.xml is replaced (APPIAN_HOME\\ear\\suite.ear\\web.war\\WEB-INF\\web.xml). So if previous we commented out the line :
    We need comment out or remove these lines. This works in our environment, and now we can login with the latest hotfix.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hi all, after researching and we find out the answer from rajasekharp is right. When we copy hotfix to APPIAN_HOME, the web.xml is replaced (APPIAN_HOME\\ear\\suite.ear\\web.war\\WEB-INF\\web.xml). So if previous we commented out the line :
    We need comment out or remove these lines. This works in our environment, and now we can login with the latest hotfix.

    Hope this helps.
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