I have started Appian by start-suite.sh , checked the status using checkengine.s

I have started Appian by start-suite.sh , checked the status using checkengine.sh and then started Jboss 7.1 by standalone.sh
JBoss starts and then is stuck at this line forever: and I can't access my Appian... i.e : localhost:8080/suite/designer
[02:00:35,257 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS018559: Deployed "suite.ear"]

has anyone encountered this situation before? any help? thanks a million in advance...



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  • awesome... I just did it and all the GW1 and GW2 are ok, my jbosss is running and everything's fine.
    now that everything's running, how can I keep both GWs synched? I guess I should run checkpoint.sh and cleanup.sh right? which GW should I checkpoiny or cleanup first? I don't want the servers to run out of memory and cause more trouble... how can i keep the memory stable? could you please guide me through step by step... so kind of you... accept my gratitude for all the guidance you already have done....
  • awesome... I just did it and all the GW1 and GW2 are ok, my jbosss is running and everything's fine.
    now that everything's running, how can I keep both GWs synched? I guess I should run checkpoint.sh and cleanup.sh right? which GW should I checkpoiny or cleanup first? I don't want the servers to run out of memory and cause more trouble... how can i keep the memory stable? could you please guide me through step by step... so kind of you... accept my gratitude for all the guidance you already have done....
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