I have started Appian by start-suite.sh , checked the status using checkengine.s

I have started Appian by start-suite.sh , checked the status using checkengine.sh and then started Jboss 7.1 by standalone.sh
JBoss starts and then is stuck at this line forever: and I can't access my Appian... i.e : localhost:8080/suite/designer
[02:00:35,257 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS018559: Deployed "suite.ear"]

has anyone encountered this situation before? any help? thanks a million in advance...



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  • jboss's log's first error:
    2013-07-04 06:47:01,432 INFO [STDOUT] (main) 2013-07-04 06:47:01,430 [main] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.notes.services.NotesContentServiceImpl - An error occurred while trying to store note content. location=/usr/local/appian/_admin/process_notes/exec/00/0/0
    java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  • Let's first fix the engines:

    Using the proper user account:

    1. Stop JBoss (all instances)
    2. On server 2 (bpm104) navigate to <APPIAN_HOME>\\server\\_scripts\\
    3. Create a copy of stop-suite.sh and call it stop-suite-localhost.sh
    4. Open stop-suite-localhost.sh and change this line from:

    $APPIAN_EXEC admin shutdown

    to read:

    $APPIAN_EXEC admin stop localhost

    5. Execute this NEW script: stop-suite-localhost.sh
    6. Access bpm104 and delete any writing*.kdb file under each gw2 directory <APPIAN_HOME>\\server\\*****\\gw2
    7. On server 1 (bpm103) run the OUT OF THE BOX stop-suite.sh
    8. Wait for the engines to stop and for the CPU usage to go down ~0%
    9. Run:

    ps -ef | grep /k

    to make sure Appian processes are no longer running
    10. Compare gw1 and gw2 directories. Make sure the highest numbered engine database file (*.kdb) is the same on BOTH.

    **** Your reference should be GW1, this is the server that you should use to synchronize, therefore you need to check gw2 is basically in sync (the last engine database file *.kdb) with gw1
  • started the GW1 and after a while GW2:
    Error is:

    Discussion Forums 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Notifications Service 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Notifications Email Processor 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Channels 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Collaboration 2/2 ERROR 2 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 406, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Collaboration Statistics 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Personalization 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Portal 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Metadata Structure Service 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 406, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Process-Design 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 425, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Process-Analytics0000 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
  • Process-Analytics0001 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 407, Gateway Database ID: 0N

    Process-Analytics0002 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 407, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Process-Exec00 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 406, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Process-Exec01 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 405, Gateway Database ID: 0N
    Process-Exec02 2/2 ERROR 1 intermittent checkpoint failures
    * unknown time since checkpoint
    GW2 restarted 1 time
    Inconsistent DBID on GW2. Server Database ID: 404, Gateway Database ID: 0N
  • Did you make sure gw2 directories were in sync? it seems they were still not in sync when you started gw2. To be completely sure you are syn'ing them correctly let's do this:

    1. Repeat steps 1 to 9 from my previous post
    2. Manually copy the highest numbered engine database file (*.kdb) in the following location to gw2:


  • ... from those directories to their counterpart folder gw2

    3. Start GW1
    4. Wait for checkengine to report 1/2*
    5. Start GW2
  • awesome... I just did it and all the GW1 and GW2 are ok, my jbosss is running and everything's fine.
    now that everything's running, how can I keep both GWs synched? I guess I should run checkpoint.sh and cleanup.sh right? which GW should I checkpoiny or cleanup first? I don't want the servers to run out of memory and cause more trouble... how can i keep the memory stable? could you please guide me through step by step... so kind of you... accept my gratitude for all the guidance you already have done....
  • You need to make sure both gateways have a healthy network communication. Review any network device/segment between the two servers to make sure the glitches are minimized.

    In addition to it, please remember that Appian checkpoints automatically, the only thing that you need to make sure you schedule as a cronjob (assuming you haven't disabled automatic checkpoint) is the cleanup.

    Please consider taking the Appian Administration course to learn more about this and other topics. www.appian.com/.../bpm-administration201.jsp