Error at IDP Configure page

Certified Senior Developer


I see below error message on configure page in 'IDP' site. There is nothing except the below error on the screen.

Can someone please help me to resolve that ?

Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 91BSE] in rule 'du_listmodels' (called by rules 'du_testcredforcloudstorageandautoml' > 'du_displayconfigurationreport') : com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.templateframework.functions.pipeline.proxyDecoratorPipeline.TemplateInvocationException: Contact the developer of this template to resolve the following issue. java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider: Provider not found

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  • Hi Vivek, was this resolved. I am getting a similar error and from what I learnt was it has been fixed in the latest IDP version available in the latest Appian version (22.4). My community Appian version has to be upgraded to the latest (which of course is done by Appian/automatically). This version was released back in Nov-2022 so right now I am chasing Appian team to upgrade my community version. 

    or were you able to figure out any different solution ?



  • Hi Vivek, was this resolved. I am getting a similar error and from what I learnt was it has been fixed in the latest IDP version available in the latest Appian version (22.4). My community Appian version has to be upgraded to the latest (which of course is done by Appian/automatically). This version was released back in Nov-2022 so right now I am chasing Appian team to upgrade my community version. 

    or were you able to figure out any different solution ?


