Day 7: ¿Que entendiste de: Process Modeling 101: Automate Your Business Processes?

Day 7: ¿Que entendiste de: Process Modeling 101: Automate Your Business Processes?

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    Apply Security

    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Apply security to record type objects, record actions, and records



    Create Security Rules

    You can create security rules for different users in your application. You will learn how to set up these rules based on 

    • who is part of the rule? 
    • which records they can see?


    Note that users must have at least Initiator permissions to the action's underlying process model.


    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned that you need to set up security for the record type and other objects it is related to, such as a process model, to ensure users can view intended data. Finally, you learned how security can be applied to show or hide sections of your record. 

    Course Summary

    You have now completed the Records course. You should be able to:

    • Explain the benefits of using Appian Records
    • Plan and design effective records
    • Create and configure record type objects
    • Apply security on your record type and record data
    • Create record type relationships


    Course Objectives

    After completing this course, you should be able to:


    • Create record type relationships in Appian
    • Create custom record fields using related data
    • Reference related data throughout an application


    Lesson Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Define record type relationships
    • Summarize the value of record type relationships


    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Create a record type relationship
    • Edit a record type relationship
    • Create an interface referencing data from two record types




    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned how to create your first record type relationship inside a record type object. You learned how to review your relationships with the record type relationship diagram. Then you learned how to edit relationships and add suggested relationships. You also learned how to use two record types in the same interface to show an enterprise view of your data. Finally, you learned how to customize your record search.



    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned several ways to set up the aggregate related record fields, custom record field.  You also learned how to filter a custom record field, and in what scenarios it may be useful. Finally, you learned how to add a custom record field to an interface.


    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Apply source filters to your record
    • Apply default filters to your record list
    • Apply user filters to your record list


    • Lesson Summary
    • In this lesson, you learned that a user filter is auto generated when establishing a many-to-one relationship. You also learned how to create a record type query expression user filter.



    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Create several record types to manage data from a reference table
    • Apply a records-powered grid using related record type data

    DEFAULT FILTER: To display a subset of records from the data source, based on filter criterio, ES UNA PRESELECCIÓN…


    Next, save your record type. This will prompt the first sync of your record type data which means it is creating a cache of data from your database.


    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned how to use a reference table from Acme Auto’s relational database and apply source filters to create several new record types. You also learned how to reference the related data in a read-only grid.



    • Create Record Type Relationships in Appian
    • Create custom record fields using related data
    • Reference related data throughout an application






    Course Objectives

    After you complete this course, you’ll be able to:

    • bullet

    Explain what sites and portals can do for your app users

    • bullet

    Determine which one is the right fit for your business use case

    • bullet

    Create, configure, and secure a site

    • bullet

    Create, configure, and publish a portal







    Apply Security

    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Apply security to record type objects, record actions, and records



    Create Security Rules

    You can create security rules for different users in your application. You will learn how to set up these rules based on 

    • who is part of the rule? 
    • which records they can see?


    Note that users must have at least Initiator permissions to the action's underlying process model.


    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned that you need to set up security for the record type and other objects it is related to, such as a process model, to ensure users can view intended data. Finally, you learned how security can be applied to show or hide sections of your record. 

    Course Summary

    You have now completed the Records course. You should be able to:

    • Explain the benefits of using Appian Records
    • Plan and design effective records
    • Create and configure record type objects
    • Apply security on your record type and record data
    • Create record type relationships


    Course Objectives

    After completing this course, you should be able to:


    • Create record type relationships in Appian
    • Create custom record fields using related data
    • Reference related data throughout an application


    Lesson Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Define record type relationships
    • Summarize the value of record type relationships


    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Create a record type relationship
    • Edit a record type relationship
    • Create an interface referencing data from two record types




    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned how to create your first record type relationship inside a record type object. You learned how to review your relationships with the record type relationship diagram. Then you learned how to edit relationships and add suggested relationships. You also learned how to use two record types in the same interface to show an enterprise view of your data. Finally, you learned how to customize your record search.



    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned several ways to set up the aggregate related record fields, custom record field.  You also learned how to filter a custom record field, and in what scenarios it may be useful. Finally, you learned how to add a custom record field to an interface.


    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Apply source filters to your record
    • Apply default filters to your record list
    • Apply user filters to your record list


    • Lesson Summary
    • In this lesson, you learned that a user filter is auto generated when establishing a many-to-one relationship. You also learned how to create a record type query expression user filter.



    Learning Objectives

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

    • Create several record types to manage data from a reference table
    • Apply a records-powered grid using related record type data

    DEFAULT FILTER: To display a subset of records from the data source, based on filter criterio, ES UNA PRESELECCIÓN…


    Next, save your record type. This will prompt the first sync of your record type data which means it is creating a cache of data from your database.


    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, you learned how to use a reference table from Acme Auto’s relational database and apply source filters to create several new record types. You also learned how to reference the related data in a read-only grid.



    • Create Record Type Relationships in Appian
    • Create custom record fields using related data
    • Reference related data throughout an application






    Course Objectives

    After you complete this course, you’ll be able to:

    • bullet

    Explain what sites and portals can do for your app users

    • bullet

    Determine which one is the right fit for your business use case

    • bullet

    Create, configure, and secure a site

    • bullet

    Create, configure, and publish a portal

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