Handling assigned task for deactivated users


what is the best practice in handling assigned/active tasks for deactivated users?

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  • Hi Howard, there is no direct way you can fetch the details of the tasks which are assigned/active under the task bucket of deactivated users but you may go for workaround on that front. If the deactivated users are more in number
    1. Fetch the list of users using - getdeactivatedusersby("email","@",2) - This function comes with the Shared Component namely Personalization Utilities.
    2. Use the - Reactive User - Smart Service or Smart Service Function to reactive the list of users fetched above - Refer the below URL: docs.appian.com/.../Smart_Services.html
    3. Build a report that fetches the details of tasks when you pass the a user or list of users as context (keep the necessary columns in the report for data - Task Id, Context User, Process Instance Id, Date & Time of Assignment/Acceptance, etc.)
    4. Build a process model to re-assign the list of tasks you have identified, to the desired active users using either of the Shared Components - Reassign With Privileges & Task Smart Services Plug-in, based on your need.
    5. And finally deactivate the users to get them back to inactive status using the - Deactivate User - Smart Service or Smart Service Function. Refer the URL below:
  • May you can try this whenever there is an unassigned task, you would be having an exception path, in the exception path, you can route it to a process which will tell whether the user is active or not using isuseractive() fn. If it is giving you false, then you can reassign to the user and also reset the deadlines if any.Hope this would help :)
  • Here is another way:
    1. Fetch the list of deactivated users
    2. Reactivate them
    3. Delete them from the respective Assignment Groups (If all of the tasks assignment is done using only groups but not individuals)
    4. Then automatically the tasks will be re-assigned to the respective Assignment Groups which will let you to handle the rest

    Hope this helps!!