Handling assigned task for deactivated users


what is the best practice in handling assigned/active tasks for deactivated users?

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  • May you can try this whenever there is an unassigned task, you would be having an exception path, in the exception path, you can route it to a process which will tell whether the user is active or not using isuseractive() fn. If it is giving you false, then you can reassign to the user and also reset the deadlines if any.Hope this would help :)
  • May you can try this whenever there is an unassigned task, you would be having an exception path, in the exception path, you can route it to a process which will tell whether the user is active or not using isuseractive() fn. If it is giving you false, then you can reassign to the user and also reset the deadlines if any.Hope this would help :)
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