I have 2 components:
1. a!buttonWidget() with a!startProcess() that starts the asynchronous process
2. a!linkField with a!startProcessLink() that starts my new process
Is there is a way to make these 2 components (buttons) looking the same? As I understand there is no way to start the process from the a!buttonWidget()
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Cards as button for startProcess Link Here am adding 1 sample code and along with the expected output of it
/** Start Process from button**/ { /** columns are used for spacing /for alignment*/ a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout(width: "4X"), /** cardLayput is used to display it as button **/ a!columnLayout( contents: a!cardLayout( style: "ACCENT", contents: a!cardLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: "StartProcessLink", color: "ACCENT", style: "STRONG" ) ) }, link: a!startProcessLink( label: "Start Process Link", processModel: "" /**Add your Process Model Here**/ ), shape: "SEMI_ROUNDED" ) ) ), } ), a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: a!buttonWidget( label: "Start Process", value: "Start Process", saveInto: a!startProcess() ) ) }