Create CDT with document type as one field

Hi Everyone ,

 i need to create a CDT having one  field type of appian Document ( and and few other fields. 

The autofill is not showing up the document type , then i directly modified the xsd and created new version , then i am getting error as below

"XSD Parsing Message: XSD: Type reference ' is unresolved (APNX-2-4047-000)" and the new created cdt holds the type as "Content Document" .


Could you please help what need to be done to create a cdt of this type if possible to create.


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  • Hi Josh,
    Thanks for the answer and time. I agree we store the the document and have the appian id for integer. For the rule input , the type can be of type Document , but not for CDT - any thoughts for not having it? . My requirement was to have an array of documents with additional properties of readonly or custom name or custom id or owner etc. So i tried to create a CDT with all the required fields which represent one object of custom document and have this used as an array for multiple file uploads . if if have any similar code snippet , it will be really helpful.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to rajeshr701

    Passing in a Document Id to a rule input of type Document will work. For example, if I have a rule that takes in a Document and a CDT that has a reference to the document, I would have something like "rule!myRule(document: ri!myCDT.appianDocId)"

    A generic document CDT could be something like: documentId (Primary Key), appianDocId, owner, readOnly, etc.