How to display a list that matches the list?

Hello everyone,

I am having trouble what function to use.

What I am trying to achieve is I have a file name that says NEW_210917. I also have a list NEW_TXT_210917, RNW_TXT_TXT_210917, RPL_TXT_210917 and NEW_TXT_TXT_210917.

Regardless of the file names on the list. I need to return the list that has NEW and 210917 on their names.

So based on the given above. My result should be NEW_TXT_210917 and NEW_TXT_TXT_210917.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

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  • Hi,

    Using a regular expression would be a good way to accomplish this, like in the following snippet: 

      local!test: {
        items: local!test,
        expression: if(
          regexmatch("(NEW)(.*)(210917)", fv!item),

    I am guessing that probably you don't want to search specifically for "210917", but instead for a given date, and you could also search for the remaining text in a case sensitive way, but you can modify the regular expression string in order to accomplish that if needed.

    This would require the Regular Expressions functions plugin:

  • Wow this actually works. Although, I tried some tweeks because I need "NEW" to be flexible because there are file names such as RNW_210917. But this should be good.

      local!fileName: left(ri!fileName, 3),
      local!filesInSftp: ri!filesSftp,
      local!filesToDump: a!forEach(
        items: local!filesInSftp,
        expression: if(
          regexmatch(concat(local!fileName,"(.*)",datetext(today(), "YYMMdd")), fv!item),

    One more question, will the pattern ("(NEW)(.*)(210917)", fv!item) still applies in case that I will have a file name such as NEW_TXT_200917_TXT_TXT or NEW_210917? Thank you.

  • Wow this actually works. Although, I tried some tweeks because I need "NEW" to be flexible because there are file names such as RNW_210917. But this should be good.

      local!fileName: left(ri!fileName, 3),
      local!filesInSftp: ri!filesSftp,
      local!filesToDump: a!forEach(
        items: local!filesInSftp,
        expression: if(
          regexmatch(concat(local!fileName,"(.*)",datetext(today(), "YYMMdd")), fv!item),

    One more question, will the pattern ("(NEW)(.*)(210917)", fv!item) still applies in case that I will have a file name such as NEW_TXT_200917_TXT_TXT or NEW_210917? Thank you.

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to Sarah B.

    Hi Sarah,

    Yes, it would, because if you 'decompose' the regular expression:

    (NEW) - we are looking for this particular bit (all uppercase) to happen 1 time in the text

    (.*) - then any character, happening 0 or more times

    (210917) - then this particular sequence, happening 1 time

    Since these conditions are verified in both the cases you provided (providing you fix the date in the first case to be 21 instead of 20), it would work. 

    I highly recommend this website to test your regular expressions and learn more about them -