Data Sync For Related Actions Error(While Updating The Data)

Certified Lead Developer

Hi all,

   While Data Sync Enable, Doing related action For Update query in the table by using the Write to data store smart service. I am getting data sync error as below screenshot.

I have generated the related action by using "generate a Record action". but in documentation said that Immediate sync is possible by using write to data store smart service.But it is failing and returning error as below

Thank you.

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Parents Reply
  • There's something weird in that XSD - it looks like all of your "columnDefinition" properties are actually showing as "columnDeTESTition". Can you try to update those and re-upload the XSD? I'd be curious if when you try to write data if the issue is resolved.

    You'll likely need to re-sync manually before testing the immediate sync again. If that still doesn't work, can you post the app server log from the time you triggered the immediate sync? The snippet above looks like it's for when you tried to query the synced data, but the issue likely occurred on sync instead of on query.
