Can I still access synced data from record type offline?

Certified Associate Developer

I'm trying to review data offline for a scenario if user was to go to a location without internet connection but still wants to be able to review his data.

Can I populate a grid field with the data from a record type that has data synced or do I no longer have access since I'm offline? In documentation it mentions to load everything onto a local variable and access the data from the variable. But by doing this I'm having trouble making user filters when using the local variable instead of the record type.

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  • Hi there,

    To use the user filters, you will have to again query data from Appian's server (in case of synced) and from the source (in ordinary case). Therefore the filtering will not be straightforward as I know. What you can do is to filter the data based on some predefined conditions and then let the user apply the filter in offline mode where you will have to add further processing in the variables themselves using a set of expressions. 

    One classic example of It is, to iterate through the list and set null where the data does not passes the filter criteria and pass fv!item where it does. Then reject all the null values and you have the filtered data in a variable. 

  • Hi there,

    To use the user filters, you will have to again query data from Appian's server (in case of synced) and from the source (in ordinary case). Therefore the filtering will not be straightforward as I know. What you can do is to filter the data based on some predefined conditions and then let the user apply the filter in offline mode where you will have to add further processing in the variables themselves using a set of expressions. 

    One classic example of It is, to iterate through the list and set null where the data does not passes the filter criteria and pass fv!item where it does. Then reject all the null values and you have the filtered data in a variable. 
