Filters on Record Type data by its length

Certified Senior Developer


I am using a Record Type, and it has years of existing data. Unfortunately, the active data is identified by the length of the column name "uniqueFieldId", which is a text value so there is no consistency. Note, this is not a primary key in the table. The active field length must be 5 characters long. Anything greater or less is not considered active. Since it has years of existing data, we do not want to insert a new column, as I was thinking the easiest solution would be run a sql inserting an isActive column and then running the filter on it. 

Now, my requirement is to use a record type, and filter the data. I am unsure how I can use record filters to ignore data by the length of the characters in the uniqueFieldId.

The record type is then being used in a readonly grid. A gist of the code below, the aggregation below is necessary as there are other fields and calculations I am doing using relationships to this record type. 

In a gist, is there a way, I can filter a column data by its length. 

Code - 


recordType: recordType!DataTest,

fields: {


groupings: a!grouping(

field: recordType!DataTest.Relationship.DataTest2.UniqueFieldId,

alias: "UniqueFieldId"





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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mathieu Drouin

    Thanks Mathieu, but I am facing restrictions using the queryfilter. The custom field value does not populate while I try creating a Source record filter. So unable to put a source filter. And I am also getting a pink screen while I try filtering it on the a!queryRecordType, says that the filters does not exist on the queried record type. Only fields from the queried record type are allowed to be filter. Would you know what I am missing ? 
