Export readOnly grid data to excel

I have a read only grid sourced from expression which is getting data from an integration. I want to export this grid data to excel. So can someone please help how to do this. Stuck here as Export CDT to excel is deprecated. 

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  • If possible and fits your needs you may try to create a expression back record for the integration and use OOTB export functionality if that satisfies your requirements.

    Also, as suggested by @mike schmitt, you can write the data to DB table and use Export DSE to Excel smart service or if you need base template another plugin you can use which supports base template in 'SQL To Excel Smart Service' plugin. You can find 'Export SQL To Excel' smart service provided which accepts a base excel template with in this plugin and it has no deprecations as of now.


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sureshgunawardane
    'SQL To Excel Smart Service'

    FWIW, SQL to Excel is the twin sister of CDT to Excel, both are found in the Excel Tools plug-in, and both are currently deprecated (but also both still working).  And from OP's earlier reply, it sounds as if they're under some oversight burden to avoid deprecated smart services, which I suppose I understand, though it leaves them in a tough spot since no sufficient replacement has ever been provided that actually captures the functionality made available in those deprecated smart services.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    HI Mike,

    Actually the plugin and the smart service I referred to is not in the Excel Tools plug-in. May be it is like you said and it is now bundled up in Excel tool. But this is a separate plugin we can use from App Market and it is not marked as deprecated, So probably using it won't add the burden of using in the project Neelesh is referring to. Please refer to the screenshot here. 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sureshgunawardane
    But this is a separate plugin we can use from App Market and it is not marked as deprecated

    You're right, that's a newer plug-in (I assume it might be a copy of the smart service that used to be in Excel Tools, but it's hard to say) and yes, it doesn't seem to be deprecated.  So for any export that can be handled with a SQL statement somehow, I agree this would be something to consider.  (Too bad they couldn't add a smart service for Export CDT to Excel, lol)

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