Syncing of records is not occurring when inserting or updating data in the database using the "Write to Datastore" smart service.

Certified Associate Developer


I need help understanding why record sync is not occurring when using the "Write to Datastore" smart service in one environment, while the latest data appears in the records in another environment.

In the environment where sync is not happening, a manual sync is required to view the latest data.

Can someone help me understand the cause of this issue?

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  • A few questions:

    1. Can you give more info on the setup you've got? For example, is it an interface that triggers a process model and then returns and loads a record summary?
    2. I'm assuming that data actually makes it into the DB (as a manual sync works) but can you confirm?
    3. Is there any manipulation of the data done after the write (ie. DB triggers, stored procs, other Appian processes?)
    4. Are there any sync source filters involved?
    5. Does it actually require a manual sync or does refreshing the data work without a manual sync?
    6. Is there any record level security on the record in question?

    I understand that you are only experiencing this in one environment and it does work with CDT/Datastores. I can also see you've probably answered some of the above questions but I'm being extra clear so we can help.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Andrew Hickingbotham

    Hi Andrew,

    1. The table is been inserting/updating in process model (which changed now insert/update to write to records).
    2. Yes, the data writes into db by write to datastore smart service , but not avaiable in record until a manual sync.
    3. No manipulation
    4. No sync source filters.
    5. Tried a manual refresh on the page does not work , and the did a manual sync and can see the data.
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