Question #1 There is some detail I am clearly missing here but I have set

Question #1
There is some detail I am clearly missing here but I have set up a Related Action for an entity-backed record. I need to pass it in an integer value from the record. My related action context looks something like: ={myProcessParameter: rf!fieldPassedIn}.

I have made myProcessParameter a parameter value in the process model (checked the 'value is passed in' box), saved and published the model. However, when I go Related Actions tab for my records and this process does not show up. The weird thing is when I go back to the process model and uncheck the 'value passed in' box (then save and publish) the related action then appears--of course when I launch the related action then it errors out saying that I can't override the value of myProcessParameter.

This seems very weird to me and I've looked over the documentation. What could be wrong here?

Question #2:
Is there anyway that I can set up the context to accept a value in from the record ...



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