Question #1 There is some detail I am clearly missing here but I have set

Question #1
There is some detail I am clearly missing here but I have set up a Related Action for an entity-backed record. I need to pass it in an integer value from the record. My related action context looks something like: ={myProcessParameter: rf!fieldPassedIn}.

I have made myProcessParameter a parameter value in the process model (checked the 'value is passed in' box), saved and published the model. However, when I go Related Actions tab for my records and this process does not show up. The weird thing is when I go back to the process model and uncheck the 'value passed in' box (then save and publish) the related action then appears--of course when I launch the related action then it errors out saying that I can't override the value of myProcessParameter.

This seems very weird to me and I've looked over the documentation. What could be wrong here?

Question #2:
Is there anyway that I can set up the context to accept a value in from the record ...



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  • Have you checked to make sure you don't have a start form? Adding a variable is probably creating one and when you remove the variable if it's the only one on the start form it likely removes the start from resulting in the behaviour you see. Add your parameter and then be sure to delete the start form if you want to use the process in a related action.

  • Have you checked to make sure you don't have a start form? Adding a variable is probably creating one and when you remove the variable if it's the only one on the start form it likely removes the start from resulting in the behaviour you see. Add your parameter and then be sure to delete the start form if you want to use the process in a related action.

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