Hello everyone, We are using an entity-back record that works just fine. T

Hello everyone,
We are using an entity-back record that works just fine. The issue I would like to address is the following:
On the right side there is an OOTB search field where you can search for a particular record. When I search for a record, it returns a result only if you search using the ID, otherwise(for example using the Application_No) it says "No records available".
The list view expression used is below :

title: tostring(rule!GetTaskNameByID("Record", rf!ID)),
details: "Application Status: " & rule!GetApplicationStatusName(rf!Status) & " | ID: " & rf!ID & " | Date: " & rule!FormatDateTime(rf!Entry_Date) & " App no: " & rf!Application_No )

We also tried converting all the displayed data into strings, without any success. Any suggestions? Thank you.



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