Hello everyone, We are using an entity-back record that works just fine. T

Hello everyone,
We are using an entity-back record that works just fine. The issue I would like to address is the following:
On the right side there is an OOTB search field where you can search for a particular record. When I search for a record, it returns a result only if you search using the ID, otherwise(for example using the Application_No) it says "No records available".
The list view expression used is below :

title: tostring(rule!GetTaskNameByID("Record", rf!ID)),
details: "Application Status: " & rule!GetApplicationStatusName(rf!Status) & " | ID: " & rf!ID & " | Date: " & rule!FormatDateTime(rf!Entry_Date) & " App no: " & rf!Application_No )

We also tried converting all the displayed data into strings, without any success. Any suggestions? Thank you.



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  • The search field does not search within the description out of the box. There's a workaround that allows you to make rf! fields searchable, which you can see implemented for rf!Application_No and rf!ID in the attached code.

    Unfortunately the only things that are searchable are the items on the record - ie any rf! field. Rules to obtain text or format dates don't render the items searchable. I suggest you create a database view for the record list view, and include the text items you want searching as described in the post below this one. The only other alternative is switching to an expression-backed view, which may be very time-consuming.


  • The search field does not search within the description out of the box. There's a workaround that allows you to make rf! fields searchable, which you can see implemented for rf!Application_No and rf!ID in the attached code.

    Unfortunately the only things that are searchable are the items on the record - ie any rf! field. Rules to obtain text or format dates don't render the items searchable. I suggest you create a database view for the record list view, and include the text items you want searching as described in the post below this one. The only other alternative is switching to an expression-backed view, which may be very time-consuming.


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