We are using entity backed records for our process which have around 3000 record

We are using entity backed records for our process which have around 3000 records. We found it is taking long time to display records list. Any suggestion to increase the performance of these records list?



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    Certified Lead Developer
    Does the entity you're using return a lot of data - does the datatype return more columns than are used by the list? Returning only the data needed by the list can help performance. You can also consider using service backed expressions with query entities. Have you checked logs to see what is taking the time?
  • @ashokv Hi, is the Health Check present in your environment? If so I would suggest running it once and work on the High/Medium Risks related to the Record Type with which you are experiencing the slowness at the moment. This will really help you a lot in identifying the culprit as per my knowledge. You can actually see the objects flagged as High or Medium Risk in the Health Check Results that consumes long duration in order to execute.

    You may go ahead with the suggestion made by @rodgraham or you may also opt for Grid Style Record Lists if you are making use of Appian 16.1 and above. Added to the reasons stated above, the issues could additionally lie in the List View and Default Filters of Record Type or the Database Entity(A view and it may be running slowly) that acts as the source of Record Type.

    I believe it may be difficult at times to understand where the problem lies exactly without knowing the implementation details, so, as a last resort, I would suggest working with COE if you are on cloud or work with a person in your project whose role is more or less similar to an Architect.
  • How long does it take for your table or view to load in the database? How long is your record currently taking?

    Do you have indexes where appropriate? Are default filters being used? Are filtered columns indexed?
    Additional question out of curiosity, are you using the feed style list view or grid style list view?
  • Ashok, can you tell me whether this record is being backed by a view or table? If it is backed by table, introducing indexes ll help you. If it is backed by a view, introducing indexes at the related tables *** not using rownum at the view ll help
  • As a last option you can logically split the records into 2 or more records (if your business permits) by setting default filters. For example one record may contains entity with status say "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Other record may contain entity with status say "Cancelled", "Deleted" which is of least important.

    All though this is not recommended, this is one way of splitting the load and improving the performance of your records.
  • Hi ashok, for displaying multiple records... better to provide the some default filter operation on that table.. Like.. Check null value.. And chech status and other possible default filters..
    It will work..