We are using entity backed records for our process which have around 3000 record

We are using entity backed records for our process which have around 3000 records. We found it is taking long time to display records list. Any suggestion to increase the performance of these records list?



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  • As a last option you can logically split the records into 2 or more records (if your business permits) by setting default filters. For example one record may contains entity with status say "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Other record may contain entity with status say "Cancelled", "Deleted" which is of least important.

    All though this is not recommended, this is one way of splitting the load and improving the performance of your records.
  • As a last option you can logically split the records into 2 or more records (if your business permits) by setting default filters. For example one record may contains entity with status say "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Other record may contain entity with status say "Cancelled", "Deleted" which is of least important.

    All though this is not recommended, this is one way of splitting the load and improving the performance of your records.
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