Related action not showing up as expected

We're running into an issue with the Record Type related action buttons:

1. We have a related action button "Approve" displays on the Record Summary page if rf!status='Pending'
2. After the "Approve" related action process is complete, the rf!status field is updated to be 'Approved', so we expect the "Approve" button should no longer display
3. After the process ends we are returned to the Record Summary page, but the "Approve" button still displays
4. If we click the 'Related Actions' record view type, the "Approve" related action is not displayed in that view, but when we click the "Summary" view, we still see the "Approve" button.
5. if we refresh the page the "Approve" button no longer displays in the Summary page

Is there any kind of workaround or something in the process we need to configure so the correct buttons are displayed after returning to the record summary view?
Has anyone else encountered this and found...



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