Tempo Related Action - Delete Record

We have functionality where, we create a temporary records, once the purpose is fulfilled the un-used records are to be cleaned out- (Soft Deleted from Database Table)
This is achieved through related action on the record.
After the related action is performed, the default screen is the summary dashboard of the record (that we just deleted). As this database record is no longer exist, we get an error:
An Error Has Occurred*
The record data does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access it. (APNX-1-4205-006)

As per my research in forum, I found this entry:

As the comments are from 2015, was hoping there some other work around, if any ?

Is there any Submit button image field ?
Is there any process level - redirect link available ?


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  • Hi

    To make it simpler i'll put in point form, I know my explanations can be messy sometimes :(.

    1. user click on a record and move to record summary
    2. Initiate related action to remove the record from DB.
    3. Once user submit the form user will be navigated back to record summary dashboard.
    a. Once user click on last submit button on delete related action record in DB will not be deleted at the same time. Instead will split the flow in to two and one goes to an activity chained process will an end event where a status of the record is updated to either "Cancelled or Mark for Deletion". other path (with our activity chaining) will goto and timer event where it will wait for 5 Seconds before proceed and delete the record.
    b. once you set up the process like this your will be landed back on record summary view because record is still not actually deleted
    from the DB. In the record you can use the status to hide all your related actions and all other dashboards so use doe not have
    any option to take but navigate back to the main record list.

    This has it's own drawbacks. there can be scenarios once user move back to record list before 5 Sec completes he can choose the record again, but due to visibility conditions no actions will be provided for the end user.
    Also if user stays on the record summary for more than 5 Sec and refresh the screen user will get error message as record is now no longer available.

    But as i said it work for my scenario. you can give it a try and see if it works or not.
  • :) Pretty much clear now, thanks for the detail !!

    Your trick then is having the summary completely tailored to show nothing but the path to the user back to the record list once you changed the record status.

    For a moment I thought that you were able to present to the user the record list, option that I haven't found, and that was my initial intention when I initially asked about this.

    All I found is a way to generate the URL for the record list. So, once the delete related action is finished I present a blank screen with only this link. Unfortunately I only can call the record list URL within an external link component, which therefore opens a new window, missing the effect of sending the user back to the record list once the related action is finished.