Tempo Related Action - Delete Record

We have functionality where, we create a temporary records, once the purpose is fulfilled the un-used records are to be cleaned out- (Soft Deleted from Database Table)
This is achieved through related action on the record.
After the related action is performed, the default screen is the summary dashboard of the record (that we just deleted). As this database record is no longer exist, we get an error:
An Error Has Occurred*
The record data does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access it. (APNX-1-4205-006)

As per my research in forum, I found this entry:

As the comments are from 2015, was hoping there some other work around, if any ?

Is there any Submit button image field ?
Is there any process level - redirect link available ?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    You could consider just making an Open/Closed user filter on your record, and, if you are on 16.1 or later, you can default to only showing the Open ones. That will allow you to safely return to the closed record while still hiding by default those records that are no longer relevant.
  • We are on 16.2 cloud instance, I have default filter- to get only active records.
    While accessing the record the record is active, by clicking on the related action, weare updating the database record to inactive. but as the related action was from the particular record. It tries to come back to the same record. If it could go back to the list of all the records then i would not have this issue.
    Please advice
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    We are at the same stage as mentioned in the 2015 post.
    There is still no better way to delete the record.
    But you may find something related to submit button image field in future versions. Checkout the tips and tricks webinar of Modern UI published on 8th September.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    What @michaelw456 said is correct - to clarify on the terminology here, you would want to remove the "Default Filter" that restricts the record type to show only Active entries, and add a new "User Filter" for Active / Inactive (as these can now be set to choose a default value, i.e. "Active"). This way when the user lands back on the record listing for an item they've deactivated, it will no longer give them the error message.
  • Any update on this topic so far?

    Following Tim suggestion in the link in Rishij's question, and checking few UI recommendations I can create a result page and bring feedback to the user, even that, the response to the user is in the context of a Record, and therefore, the user still can be tempted to click on the Summary link or in any other record link that will cause an error.

    Is there a way to avoid user doing any further action in the Record page and force the interface to another location (e.g. Records List)?
  • What I've done in the past is to make sure that the last step in the process doesn't have a button. Instead, it should have a link (let's say to the record list, a task report, etc.) with clear instructions to the user to click on that link. Yes, the user could still click somewhere else, like the Summary view, but this approach has normally worked for me.
  • I had faced the same issue. So what i did was after the deletion of the record from the database i placed an interface which displays a message something like "The record has been deactivated". Further you can provide a Record Link on the screen for the user to go back to Record List. The only problem here will be that when the Screen is shown under the Related Actions Tab, the user might still click on Summary Tab which will again throw an error (I think there is no way we can stop this from happening). So just a proper message being displayed on the screen is the way so user does not click on any other tab after record is deactivated.
  • Yep, it looks like in the same way that we are having a "related action" there is a missing "related action for delete", where this second will automatically go back to the Records List and prevent showing the other no-longer-valid links...
  • Hi
    I have had the same issue and had done something different to what have mentioned in all comments. May not be the best solution but it worked for most cases. Though the implementation is all up to the scenario.

    I have maintained a status for the record in flight and as soon as I invoke the related action to delete the record I update the record with the status. (for ex, cancelled) This status is used to in related action/dashboard visibility conditions. and in process process model I have put a timer about 5 seconds before trigger the delete from DS smart service. So once user click on the submit button on the delete related action user will land on summary page with out error message as record still exists and all related actions/ all other dashboards except summary view will be hidden.(So your is kind of force to navigate back to record list)
    The record will be deleted from DB after 5 seconds. In my scenario this works fine as once users deleted record they normally go back to record dashboard again.

    Might help in your scenario too,

  • Hi Suresh, thanks for your comment.
    I like a lot your creative approach, but not sure that i got all the controls you are applying. Can you show an example?
    If I'm understanding correctly, the sequence you suggest is:
    1 User is in the details of a record
    2 Clicks on the delete related action
    3 You show a confirmation (record deleted), but still remain inside the record detail
    4 The record is deleted (delayed delete)

    Not sure if in 3, you are sending the user there or back to the record list. If the former, what prevents the user to click on any action in the record summary after 5 sec and get an error?
    If you are sending the user back to the record list, can you show how you do this from an interface of the related action?