Having trouble writing data to data store entity

Hi all,


I am a beginner in Appian and I have come across a problem that I've debugged for an hour but can't find the solution to. I'm attempting to write data to a data store entity and I continue to get the following error:

Problem:  An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.

Details:  An error occurred while trying to write to the entity "vehicle_parts" [id=7241da9e-15f3-402f-ae6d-b0f08195974e@87648, type=VFM_Part (id=3724)] (data store: VFM DS CK). Details: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null: TypedValue[it=3724,v=<null>] Data: TypedValue[it=3724,v=<null>]

Recommended Action:  Examine the activity class to correct the error and then resume.

Priority of this problem: High Priority


Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? If it helps, I'm also having trouble finding the created table after I save and publish my data store with no issues.

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  • Please create your CDT in this template with specifying proper table anme like: @Table(name="VFM_Vehicle"), Sample Snippet below:
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="urn:com:appian:types" targetNamespace="urn:com:appian:types">
    <xsd:complexType name="MMVFM_Vehicle">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">

    <xsd:element name="ID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="Id")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="requestID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="REQUEST_ID")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="VIN" nillable="true" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="VIN", columnDefinition="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE")</xsd:appinfo>

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to mukeshm
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="urn:com:appian:types" targetNamespace="urn:com:appian:types">
    <xsd:complexType name="MMVFM_Vehicle">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">

    <xsd:element name="ID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="Id")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="requestID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="REQUEST_ID")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="VIN" nillable="true" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="VIN", columnDefinition="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE")</xsd:appinfo>

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to mukeshm
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="urn:com:appian:types" targetNamespace="urn:com:appian:types">
    <xsd:complexType name="MMVFM_Vehicle">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">

    <xsd:element name="ID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="Id")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="requestID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="REQUEST_ID")</xsd:appinfo>

    <xsd:element name="VIN" nillable="true" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="VIN", columnDefinition="VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE")</xsd:appinfo>

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