Open related Action from record in new window or full screen


we are having a requirement to open related action from record and we have a issue that  the same headers for UI in Related Action and Record are the same so its confusing for enduser. Is there a way to open outside of Record view or in new window ?

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  • Thanks to All for responses, I know that the solution that we have implemented and the solution that i am searching for are just worki arounds of our bad design but we got this design as legacy "code" and our assignment is to migrate portal forms and functionalities to Sail and tempo . The solutions that Omkar and aloks are mentioning we knew about i was just checking if there is some other option to go with .
  • Thanks to All for responses, I know that the solution that we have implemented and the solution that i am searching for are just worki arounds of our bad design but we got this design as legacy "code" and our assignment is to migrate portal forms and functionalities to Sail and tempo . The solutions that Omkar and aloks are mentioning we knew about i was just checking if there is some other option to go with .
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