We have a process where people need to process requests in bulk. What we'd

We have a process where people need to process requests in bulk. What we'd like to do is generate an implementation task per item, but also provide an interface to the implementation teams that would allow them to indicate completion. Ideally this would allow the individual task if affects to be completed. Has anyone done this in Appian?



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  • So you have a process for each request which has one active task. This task is to be submitted on completion.

    You can use the report "Tasks per Process Model". Clicking on the task name opens the task form.
  • THanks! That's not really what I envisioned though. Maybe a more detailed example would help. Imagine a process workflow that engages a team (Team A). Someone wishes to run thirty of these workflows. What I'd like to do is give team A the option of either interacting with each of the thirty tasks, or have one task that would allow them to complete all thirty in bulk. I imagine that one way would be to have the User Input Task embedded as a sub-process that also contains a receive message listener. Then, another process could execute a report on all outstanding tasks for that process. A Grid could be populated allowing them to indicate which of those tasks is complete and a message sent to each of appropriate subprocesses. My challenge is that the User Input Tasks in the subprocess would be marked as skipped if the process completes, what I'd like to do is have them marked as complete.
  • Perhaps if you think of each of these tasks in a process it might be easier.

    You could have the process have the option of creating X number of processes via a quick task going in to a subprocess that then replicates the parent process X times (held in a variable).

    The child process then has a receive message event that takes a key from the parent process, which is the condition on the recieve message event leading to an end event or terminate on the child process. The alternative and probably recommended way is to pass a value byreference to the child process on input of the subprocess.

    This way another quick task on the parent process, call it "terminate child processes" which then passes perhaps a boolean value byreference to the child processes. Instead of a receive message process you could have a rule event that leads to the terminate whenever that boolean value is activated. You can then also set data within the child processes such as a status variable which is changed when the rule event fires, you can use this to display on reports etc.

    Hope I understood this right??
  • Thank you, that's actually what I'm trying out now in a way. Two challenges, one, I'm on 6.03 and two, where I use a receive message event to bypass the User Input Task, I'd rather that User Input Task didn't register on task reports as "skipped".
  • Would an exception path out of the task work for you instead? This could fire if your exception Boolean was flagged as true perhaps
  • Sorry, also should say that should that work for you, you could have the exception path go to a script task which could set a value in a variable that could be displayed on the report.