Data-Server times out absolutely every time I try to start it, yet is still running

Certified Lead Developer

I'm running Quick Start local installation guide for Windows using Jboss for Appian 18.1

All the validations pan out, everything seems to work, but data-server always returns this error.


0 [main] INFO - Loading topology C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\appian-topology.xml
347 [main] INFO - Configuration file was loaded successfully. (Reload check = 30000 ms)
363 [main] INFO - Initializing log4j (processName=wd-5400, logsDir=C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\..\logs\data-server) from C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\
2018-05-07 18:39:37,256 wd-5400 [main] INFO - Starting JVM: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171\jre\bin\java.exe -server -Duser.timezone=GMT -Xms64m -Xmx128m -Dds.home=C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\.. -cp C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\lib\appian-data-server-classpath-0.72.6.jar -f
2018-05-07 18:40:37,820 wd-5400 [main] ERROR - Shutting down with exit code 1... Established WebSocket connection but failed to receive heartbeat from data-server:5400.
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timeout waiting for task.
... 2 more


I have seen absolutely NO posts about Heartbeat or HeartbeatListener or Watchdog.


I have verified PATH system variables are correct (%JAVA HOME%).

I have verified <REPO HOME> file multiple times.

I have verified <REPO HOME> \jboss\ multiple times.

I have verified that the name of the datasource is correct and logged into said datasource using MySQL workbench to confirm.

I have verified numerous times that I've removed everything about cookies from web.war\WEB-INF\web.xml numerous times.

I have double-checked to delete everything from every path related to appian installation which has a .failed, .undeployed, or .isdeploying extension, even from my entire computer between each attempt.

I always shut down everything in the correct order and check to make sure no java is running at all before trying again.  I've even rebooted my machine to make sure there wasn't an existing jboss execution still running in the background.


What else could it possibly be?


Did I mention that I never get Jboss to run without error as well?  I don't know if it's related or not, so I'll ask a separate question why JBoss never runs properly.

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Parents Reply Children
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Benhail
    I think I know where the issue lies, further back. Whenever I get all the services up using services\bin\start.bat, they're all in REPLICA mode. It happened so much that today is the first time I ever saw PRIMARY mode to let me know that was actually an error. The listener isn't listening on port 5400. Now I'm getting STOPPING state REPLICA mode due to leadership change on a third of the services and port 5400 is refusing connection.

    I changed my FQDN from "DESKTOP-063AN1L" (closest thing to FQDN I could find on this machine) to "localhost" in another file to try to correct another issue. Would that be invalidating my license?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    If you can run /services/bin/ and get results, I don't expect that your K license is an issue. The FQDN of the machine is what the license looks at, not configuration in other Appian files. Your services should be in PRIMARY mode when they are up (assuming you are not running a cluster)

    One other thing to check - do you have a Q license? I would expect a different error if you didn't but might as well double-check to remove it as an issue. Refer to:
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Justin Watts
    I renamed the FQDN from "localhost" back to what it was before, and nearly all the services came up PRIMARY mode. I shut down one straggler, started the one straggler up again, used status.bat to confirm all are up and running in PRIMARY mode, same error.

    I'm not being refused connection to 5400 now, I'm all the way back to having it timeout because it can't find heartbeat.

    Interesting thing, it times out, but it says it's running. Stop.bat on the data-server works fine. A few seconds and it's down like it never had an error.

    When I run netstat with all the services and the data server up, it still shows absolutely nothing about port 5400.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    And I do have k4.lic at C:\appian181\repo\appian\data-server\engine\bin\q\w64

    This is Windows 10, 64 bit OS.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    What do the data-server logs say? Maybe there is something useful in there
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    Status.bat in data-server folder does nothing. Just newline.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    Where are the data-server logs? I've looked through the entire data-server folder and every subfolder and found no logs.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    Under the main logs folder (

    So something like ../appian/logs/data-server
  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    So is the server running? But you are still worried about your license?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis
    Found them.

    If I use "localhost" I get this error:

    0 [main] INFO - Loading topology C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\appian-topology.xml
    301 [main] INFO - Configuration file does not exist. Default settings will be used.
    314 [main] INFO - Initializing log4j (processName=wd-5400, logsDir=C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\..\logs\data-server) from C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\
    2018-05-07 14:45:28,514 wd-5400 [main] INFO - Connecting to Zookeeper: localhost:2181
    2018-05-07 14:45:59,639 wd-5400 [main] ERROR - Shutting down with exit code 1...

    If I use the other FQDN I get this error:

    0 [main] INFO - Loading topology C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\appian-topology.xml
    293 [main] INFO - Configuration file does not exist. Default settings will be used.
    306 [main] INFO - Initializing log4j (processName=wd-5400, logsDir=C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\..\logs\data-server) from C:\appian181\appian\data-server\bin\..\conf\
    2018-05-07 15:03:48,850 wd-5400 [main] INFO - Connecting to Zookeeper: localhost:2181
    2018-05-07 15:03:49,185 wd-5400 [main] INFO - Connecting to Zookeeper: localhost:2181
    2018-05-07 15:03:56,011 wd-5400 [main] INFO - Data Server is not configured to run on 'DESKTOP-063AN1L' according to the topology. It is configured to run on 'data-server'. DataServer is shutting down.