Hi All,
Has anyone came across integrating sonarQube with Appian. or Is it compatible with Appian.
TIA :)
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Hi Harsha,sonarQube is a tool used to achieve code quality, currently supporting 26 programming languages.I assume that your intent is to instill code quality for the applications build on the Appian Platform.Then the answer is "NO". The rationale behind is: Appian is a low-code platform. The process models defined are transformed in XML code, executedby the Appian BPM Engine. Now way that sonarQube can deal with those constructs. Same is true for the Interface definitions whereAppian is using the SAIL code.To achieve good quality for our applications build with Appian, we have build an application in Appian which checks that all Best Practices arefollowed for Appian applications (e.g Alert settings, security settings in process models, description provided, Node assignments to groups only etc.)Hope that helps.Juergen
I can add also, by conducting code reviews (peer review)
You are right - to have peer reviews for application build with Appian is always a good idea.That is what we have automated with our 'Peer Review' application.
Hi Juergen,
How is your "Peer Review" app? We are hoping to create something like this ourselves so any details you can share would be most welcome.
This could be a starter: community.appian.com/.../coe-appcop