How to convert Sail form to PDF format
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I'm able to create dummy PDF successfully (just for testing) using Create PDF smart service.
I have used the below code input for the content field of Create PDf smart service
{ 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfContent'( page: 1, xPercent: 10, yPercent: 10, angle: 0, sections: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( style: null, components: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: "Some" ), 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: "text" ) } ) } )}.
But now, I have to create the PDF same as the below Sail UI form . Yes, the form contains Grid , section etc.
But can any one of you help what can be the input for the content field , if my UI looks as per the below screenshot.