How to convert Sail form to PDF format
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You need to create a separate PDF template that you can fill with data using the Create PDF smart service. The OOB PDF Doc from template might help.
I'm able to create dummy PDF successfully (just for testing) using Create PDF smart service.
I have used the below code input for the content field of Create PDf smart service
{ 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfContent'( page: 1, xPercent: 10, yPercent: 10, angle: 0, sections: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( style: null, components: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: "Some" ), 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: "text" ) } ) } )}.
But now, I have to create the PDF same as the below Sail UI form . Yes, the form contains Grid , section etc.
But can any one of you help what can be the input for the content field , if my UI looks as per the below screenshot.
Hi Josep,
Thanks for the reply. I'm able to create PDF.
I also have the requirement to merge the documents. I'm using Merge PDF smart service.
Scenario is : I have two different PDF documents, where I need to merge both documents into single PDF. I have a digital signature in one PDF document. I want that signature to be placed beside "Signature" word which is the other document. How do I keep the digital signature beside the "Signature" word. How do I achieve this?
As of now, PDF's have been merged. But, they are two different pages.
Thanks, Monika
Hi Jose,
I have created the first page of the PDF using (MS Word 2007 Doc from Template) to generate document through template and then converting it to PDF.
As you suggested above "I will be easier if the image is placed there when creating that page and not altering it after." - I tried this to place the image beside the Signature word.
I am using below smart service. But, when I am passing the image document as parameter its not showing image, its shows like [Document: 31279].
Please tell how can I show image through this smart service.