Fitnesse for Appian-Unable to enter value in the text field


1.Login in the application

2.Click on Action

3.Click on a Particular Action

4.Click on a radio button

5.Enter the value in the text box (Unable to enter value)


Tried the below methods but still no luck.

1.|populate field|Project ID|with|XXXX|

populate field Invalid argument: Populate Field - Project ID-xxxx

Error in Log File-java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognized field type

2. |populate field|Project ID[4]|with|XXXX|

Object not found: Wait for Field - Project ID[4]

Error in Log File-org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for visibility of element located by By.xpath: (//*[(self::label or self::span) and starts-with(translate(text(),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'),'project id')]/parent::div/parent::div)[4] (tried for 20 second(s) with 500 MILLISECONDS interval)

3. |populate field|[4]|with|49322|

Object not found: Populate Field - [4] - XXXX

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: 


An error has occurred: Wait for Field Type - TEXT - [4]

Error in log file- ERROR - Wait for Field Type - TEXT - [4] message:<<Object not found: Wait for Text Field - [4]>>

5. |populate|TEXT|Project ID|[4]|with|xxxx|

Method populateProjectIDWith[3] not found in



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  • You really shouldn't have to get into the HTML. FitNesse for Appian nicely abstracts you away from having to deal with any of that. The errors you are getting are suggesting something is wrong with your setup because I see no reason why |populate field|Project ID|with|XXXX| is throwing the error you are getting. Can you provide us with some more info:
    -which browser you are trying to use?
    -have you done these steps:
    Open the "" file located in TESTING_HOME/configs and change:
    automated.testing.home to be TESTING_HOME (e.g. C:\FitNesseForAppian) to be a folder of your choosing
    chrome.driver.home to be TESTING_HOME/lib/drivers/chromedriver(.exe if using windows, -mac if using a mac, -linux if using UNIX)
    firefox.driver.home to be TESTING_HOME/lib/drivers/geckodriver(.exe if using windows, -mac if using a mac, -linux64 if using UNIX)
    -Are steps 1 - 4 in your above description working correctly (you are seeing a browser launch and complete these steps)?
  • I am using Chrome Browser and its getting launched as expected.
    There are a few steps before entering the value in the text box,so all the actions are working fine except entering value in the text box.