Hi All,
i have an appian site in which the LDAP is configured and is single sign on, which is working fine,
but am trying to sign-in with Native login (for user created in Appian (native login URL- https://mySite/suite?signin=native)) it dosen't work, can anyone help me on this please
Thanks in advance
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HI vineethk0001,
Check user membership in SAML Users group and activation
It is a best practice to restrict SAML authentication to a particular group of users to prevent total lockout in the case of an IdP-originated issue or an erroneous configuration change. Appian does not allow the same user multiple methods of authentication (native, LDAP and SAML). Check that the users impacted by the issue are members of the SAML Users group configured in the Admin Console. While checking this, also ensure that the users experiencing the issue haven't been deactivated on the Users tab of the Admin Console.
Thanks and Regards,
Amit Behere
Hi Amit, i have tried this all, even then its not working, it works for Admin users but not basic
Check if auth group is selected in saml configs. If its all users, then issue comes.